Friday, November 6, 2015

Scrunched Look - Revisited

     Yes, I'm revisiting the "Scrunched Look".
     I've gotten some more products, and I have figured out a better method for scrunching your hair. This one gets it much more curly. I wear this hairdo all the time. I love it! I usually scrunch my hair right when I get out of the shower and I think it works the best then because my hair is completely soaked through. This hair can last overnight, but that's kind of the extent of it. The turban that I use in the video, is from Norwex. I sure you can order it online. Also when you take the turban off if your hair is still wet, it okay, just let it air dry, or if it really bugs you hit it with a diffuser. But I recommend you just let it air dry, it really won't be that wet when you take the turban off. Another side note, In the video I used my "Deva Curl Shine Spay" which is fine, I recommend it, but the problem is, in the video I used way too much. Like in the video you should spray it onto your hand just not to the point were it's puddling in your hand. I hope all of you who try out this hairdo like it as much as I do!
Have Fun Hair-doing!

Supplies Needed:
  1. detangler comb
  2. Infusium leave-in conditioner
  3. Deva Curls Frizz-free Volumizing foam
  4. Norwex Micro-fiber turban
  5. Deva Curls Shine Spray

  1. Make sure your hair is super wet, I do this hairdo when I get out of the shower.
  2. Comb through your wet hair with your fingers.
  3. Flip  your hair over and make sure there is no hair bunched up next to the base of your neck.
  4. spray a little Infusium leave-in conditioner and scrunch your hair with a few pumps of Deva Curls mousse.
  5. After that use your Norwex micro-fiber turban to wrap up your hair. You do this the same way you would with a towel except for there is a loop that goes over the button to hold it so it doesn't come undone.
  6. After about 5-10 minutes of letting it dry in the turban, undo it, and let your hair air-dry.
  7. Spray some Deva Curls Shine Spray into your hand and scrunch your hair with it before it's completely dry.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


     Okay, so last year, and this year, (but last year was when I learn how to do this braid) the fishtail braid has been pretty popular. But until last year I had had really no interest in figuring out how to do this complicated-looking braid. My family had always called them fishbone or herring bone braid. which probably was part of my distance from it.:) This braid is super simple once you get it down. It's a technique. The only tips I know to give first-time fishtailers is to keep it SUPER tight, at first, if you want to loosen it if you want that messy sort of look. And also use small pieces in your braid, slightly smaller than the size of pieces I'm using in my video. 
Have Fun Hair-doing!
Supplies needed:
  1. If you want it curly like how I have it in the video, you're going to need to scrunch your hair before you start.
  2. 1-2 thinner or elastic ponytail holders. this depends on your preference, and the thickness of your hair.
  3. Your amazing hair-doing skills and a positive attitude!

  1. Scrunch your hair. I've shown you two different ways in my tutorials, but whatever you do make sure it's curly up by the roots if you want the curls to show.
  2. Pull all of your hair over to one side.
  3. Split your hair into two equal pieces.
  4. Start the braid by taking a small piece from one of your two pieces. Take that smaller piece under the bigger piece you took it from, and join it with the other of the two pieces.
  5. PULL IT TIGHT! A repeat the same thing on the other side.
  6. Keep repeating until braid is long enough to your satisfaction.
  7. Optional: loosen it and make it messy of you'd like.
     This hairdo can be done on dry hair or wet hair, again it's your preference. I love this hairdo, hope you enjoy it too! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hair Products / Hair Care

    There are a lot of products out there that you can use on your hair. doesn't mean all of them are good for your hair, but In this video/ tutorial I'm going to show you what certain products I use on my hair. I'll also show the best ways to enhance and care for your curls. 
     I do write down notes on what I'm going to say before I do my videos, but I still haven't gotten over that nervous feeling I get in front of the camera. But I'm getting there! Until then, it may be best not to just gloss over the steps, supplies, and notes. I hope that you will find this content useful!
Have fun Hair-doing! 
This shampoo is a part a line called Deva Curls. This shampoo doesn't foam when you wash your hair with it, it feels almost like conditioner, which is sort of odd to get used to at first. When I first started using this shampoo, I thought I wasn't rinsing it out good enough, but what I didn't realize was that when you have curly hair, your hair is naturally dry, so shampoo made for curly hair naturally leaves a more oily residue. This shampoo works really well, and I highly recommend it!
One Condition
This conditioner is also a part of the Deva Curls line. It is very similar to normal conditioner, it moisturizes your hair and makes it curly. you put it in your hair just like normal conditioner. This conditioner works really well and I highly recommend it!
Frizz-Free Volumizing Foam
Yes, this is also a part of the Deva Curls line. The name is a little weird, but it's just a fancy name for mousse. You use this just like normal mousse. It is however, (I think) a thinner foam then some other kinds of mousses. I like this one a lot and highly recommend it!
Shine Spray
Also part of the Deva Curls line. You would use the Shine Spray for after you've styled your hair, (scrunched, diffused, etc..) You can use this even when your hair isn't curly, I use it after I flat iron my hair, but I only do that once in a while. When you use this, it has a more oily texture, so when you use this spray a little bit on your hand them scrunch/comb it through your hair. In my Scrunched Look- revisited, I rewatched and I noticed that I was using WAY to much spray. don't use so much that it's puddling in your hand. This spray works really well, I highly recommend it!
Infusium Leave-in Conditioner
Infusium, like I've compared it to several times is like wet/liquid hairspray if you use or spray too much of it into your hair it will make your hair crusty and stiff, just like normal hairspray. But I love this product  I've used this one the longest out of all of the ones on the list and I love it! Just spray it were ever you need the hair to stay down. It works best if you put water down first and then Infusium, because the water helps it spread out. I highly recommend this product!
Norwex Micro-fiber Turban
This turban is made of micro-fiber which is similar to the materials that towels are made of except that it soaks up 70% more water than a towel. And with this particular turban, when you twist it up onto your head it maintains your ringlets (works even better if you put mousse in first) were as a normal towel when you twist it onto your head it straightens out your curls and plus the towel doesn't even soak up as much water, so I don't know about you, but I think the micro-fiber is better. You can see how to use this prouduct in my Scrunched Look- revisited. I highly recommend this product!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hair Headband

Supplies Needed:
  1. Water spray bottle
  2. Detangler comb
  3. Infusium leave-in conditioner (can be found at Wal-mart)
  4. regular comb
  5. 2 small elastic

  2. Take a small section of hair close to you natural part and do one stitch of a normal or in the video I did a inside out braid, its just like a normal braid, but instead of going over then under, you go under then over.
  3. add a small section of hair to the stitch of braid that you just braided and braid it again. This is a French braid, and you keep adding pieces of hair until you reach your ear.
  4. Once you reach your ear you will stop adding pieces of hair, and keep braiding until there is no more hair to braid. secure with a elastic.
  5. do the same one the other side of your part.
  6. once you have both braids, flip your hair over, and combine the two braids on top of your hair.
  7. flip your hair back over and enjoy the hairdo for the rest of the day.


the "Scrunched" look

Supplies Needed:
  1. Water spray bottle (if your hair is not already wet)
  2. Infusium leave-in conditioner (You can find this product at Wal-mart)
  3. And finally your hands. :)

1. Get your hair wet whether it's with a spray bottle or taking a shower.
2. thoroughly spray your hair with the Infusium and comb through to make sure it dampens all of the hair.
3. flip your hair over and comb through with your finger, then scrunch the hair up towards the head.
4. flip your hair back over and find your part again.

This hairdo is amazing! But depending on whether your hair is more on the curlier side or the wavier side will depend on how curly it gets. This hairdo is great to wear headbands, barrettes, I think it's just fun to leave down.  

Faux Sock Bun

Supplies Needed:
  1. detangler comb
  2. regular comb
  3. 2 ponytail holders (1 thick, 1 thin the color of your hair)
  4. booby pins (if desired)
  5. headband (if desired)

  1. pull your hair into a high ponytail.
  2. take the hair in your ponytail and begin to twist the hair around the original hair band, making a bun.
  3. depending on the length of your hair the bun might go around once twice or even three times. once you've twisted it into a bun, slowly twist/ nudge the bun the opposite direction loosening it.
  4. once you've loosened it to your liking it should bare resemblance to a sock bun.
  5. Take your thin ponytail holder and put it over the bun. do not be overly worried about it touching the bun if you do not want to see were you put the end into the bun. it should go around at least twice.
        I absolutely stink at sock buns! I can pull a very messy one off, but I definitely prefer this method. Of course I didn't entirely make up this method, I've seen it floating around school, and what not. I did tweak it a little to look more like a sock bun. Sock buns can be even more difficult with curly hair, I hope you like this hairdo as much as I do!


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Valentine Heart Braid

Supplies Needed:
  1. around 4 ponytail elastics
  2. water spray bottle
  3. Infusion leave-in conditioner
  4. comb
  5. brush
  6. flower (if desired)

  1. Braid two braids on both sides of your head. Make sure when you pick up your piece of hair that you leave hair above your ear. As you braid, angle the braid towards the back, middle of your head. Secure with elastic
  2. Once you have those two braids, put them together with an elastic, and pull the elastics from your braids out of the other elastic.
  3. After that you're going to pick up a piece of hair on the back of your head, from behind the braid. Braid that piece of hair, and do that on both sides, secure with elastic
  4. Next you're going to pick up the hair that is left underneath the 1st set of braids and you're going to start to braid. When you get level with the other braid that's underneath the 1st set of braids, you're going to add that braid in with the strand closest to it and continue to braid, when you get to about the middle of your head, secure with an elastic. Do this on both sides
  5. Next you can take the two braids that you just braided, and you can pull them together with an elastic.
  6. An finally, I put a pink flower on the bottom elastic, just for a little Valentine fun!
I hope you all will enjoy this elegant looking, Valentine themed hairdo. Enjoy!